Microgaming Casinos For Us Players

The passing of the Unlawful Internet Gambling Enforcement Act (UIGEA) had disastrous repercussions for Microgaming’s relationship with US players, causing the software developer to first block residents of several states and then to completely withdraw from the American market. The UIGEA is part of the Safe Port Act, which the Senate passed on September 14, 2006. Interestingly the UIGEA was passed only September 30, 2006, giving the impression that it was “tacked on” to the Safe Port Act, possibly to avoid a Senate debate of this piece of legislation.
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At this time, residents of the United States cannot play Microgaming games at any casino.
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Microgaming Online Casinos For Us Players
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Microgaming Online Casino
What exactly is the UIGEA?
Many people assume that the UIGEA prohibits online gambling by anyone living in the US. In fact, the actual wording of the Act is somewhat different. It forbids the transfer of funds from financial institutions to gambling sites on the Internet – for example depositing to an online casino by bank credit card – but does not limit the actual gambling itself. However, due to the confusion about the intent and implementation of the UIGEA, various online casinos adopted their own policies about operating in the US or accepting American players.
Microgaming and the US Market

Microgaming originally decided to keep its US operations. However, in September 2008, Kentucky Judge Thomas D. Wingate seized the domain names of out of state gambling sites. Fearing further court cases, Microgaming backed out of the American market. A few Microgaming casinos continued their operations in some states, although they did not accept new US players. Shortly prior to the time that the UIGEA officially came into effect June 1, 2010, Microgaming sent notices to its American customers informing them that it would no longer be accepting wagers from the US and requesting that they withdraw any funds on deposit before that date. Obviously Microgaming was protecting its licensees. The company realized, though, that eventually there would be licensing in the US and wanted to give itself and its operators the opportunity to apply for licenses once they are available.
Microgaming casinos stopped taking registrations fromALL US players on the 9th November 2008although players with existing Microgamingaccounts were permitted to continue playing on the original software until June 2010.
On the 1st June 2010, the 2006 American UIGEA law went into enforcement. As a result, USA players cannot currentlyplay on any casino with Microgaming software (still the case as of May 2014 althoughNew Jersey and Nevada along with Delaware have now regulated online gambling and in New Jersey, players cannow play at several online casinos. Check out the njonlinecasinos.net websitefor reviews and information on the options).
With State-specific legislation moving to regulate online casinos for US action it seems more like a question of *when* ratherthan *if* for many States although some will announce that online gambling is to stay illegal (Utah has alreadydone this) and there can be no doubt that US players will flock back to online casinos when the chance arises, taxed or not.
What is clear is that this only really started to take shape in late 2013 and even then there is no guarantee that Microgaming willbe involved. Nevada is close to providing the framework for the Vegas casinos to go online while New Jersey haspassed legislation already, but it will take some time to go through the motions of defininglicences, reviewing aplications and setting the process in motion. US players will probably have to wait some timebefore Microgaming slots are available over there.
Irresepective of the above, please note that at present (June 20th 2013) online gambling is specifically illegal inIllinois, Indiana, Kentucky, Louisiana, Michigan, Nevada, New York, Oregon, South Dakota, (Utah), Washington,and Wisconsin. Kentucky have even gone as far as confiscating .com domain names from some big gaming companies which hasspotlighted the fact that the US is both able and willing to censure the Internet where necessary.
Players residing outside of the USA looking for new options should check out the AZOC article onNew Microgaming Casinosin the AZOC news section (note: the article gets updated annually so you can probably ignore the year in the link title above!).